3.30pm Clones Library
Calling all kids - find out how to make a cool computer game using the
...Cavan Monaghan Science Festival
Calling all kids - find out how to make a cool computer game using the
...What science did Tony Stark need to develop the incredible
...Exploring the science of optical illusions and our amazing brains.
The Rediscovery Centre in Dublin is a creative space connecting
...Monday 9th November -If you give Sharon Omiwole just a few minutes, she will explain The Science of
...Telephone: (049) 437 8506
Email: sciencefestival@cavancoco.ie
Website: www.cavanmonaghansciencefestival.ie
Johnston Central Library, Farnham Centre,
Farnham St. Cavan
Telephone: (047) 74700
Email: sciencefestival@monaghancoco.ie
Website: www.cavanmonaghansciencefestival.ie
The Library, 98 Avenue,
Clones, Co. Monaghan