7pm – Belturbet Civic Centre, Belturbet
It's a great time to keep bees. There's more clover with
...Cavan Monaghan Science Festival
It's a great time to keep bees. There's more clover with
...12th Nov. @ 10.00am: Did you know that Meteorology is the science of the atmosphere concerned with
...Our ThumbsGallery module extension allows you to easily create a simple and stylish thumbs gallery
...Top tips for maths is aimed to help
...Telephone: (049) 437 8506
Email: sciencefestival@cavancoco.ie
Website: www.cavanmonaghansciencefestival.ie
Johnston Central Library, Farnham Centre,
Farnham St. Cavan
Telephone: (047) 74700
Email: sciencefestival@monaghancoco.ie
Website: www.cavanmonaghansciencefestival.ie
The Library, 98 Avenue,
Clones, Co. Monaghan