Dublin zoo: Working with wildlife

Online crowdcast: 09/11/2022, Midday: Pre-book

Have you ever thought about what it would be like to work with the animals at Dublin Zoo? Join our Dublin Zoo educator as we explore the world of animal care.

Find out all about the role of a zookeeper and all the things they do to keep animals happy and healthy at Dublin Zoo. suitable for Junior - 1st Class.

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Get in Touch Cavan

Telephone: (049) 437 8506 
Email: sciencefestival@cavancoco.ie
Website: www.cavanmonaghansciencefestival.ie

Johnston Central Library, Farnham Centre,
Farnham St. Cavan

Get in Touch Monaghan

Telephone: (047) 74700 
Email: sciencefestival@monaghancoco.ie
Website: www.cavanmonaghansciencefestival.ie

The Library, 98 Avenue,
Clones, Co. Monaghan